NSW Youth Focus Meeting

NSW Youth Focus Meeting

4 April 2015

April was here and some were off to China, Victoria & Umina, but many were still left locally to hold another Focus evening.  Thank you to Brethren Craig & Murray for hosting the evening at their small cosy place.


To begin the evening we all read together Matthew 13:3-23… The Parable about the Sower and the Seed. David then gave every young person a question sheet on the reading.  The young people then had to choose another 2 or 3 people from the room to join them and to complete the tasks asked on the sheets of paper. After a good half hour of group preparations the answers were then read out to everyone.

We all closed Sabbath together, and Murray had a reading from “A Call To Stand Apart” -challenging young adults to make an eternal difference. He read from Chapter 6… The Answer Lies in the Soil…. corresponding to our group discussions.

Following the closing of the Sabbath the older young people started preparing the BBQ dinner while the young people were enjoying an activity together organised by Larry. The activity started by breaking up into groups of 4. Each group would have to think of a question and answer from the Bible to challenge the opposite teams. Each team could only answer the question with short one word answers from each team member without actually communicating with each other. This activity challenged our minds to think not only of ourselves but of our team members.


We all enjoyed the delicious BBQ together and had fellowship one with another.

We were then briefed about the upcoming end of April camp weekend which we are all looking forward to at Condobolin.

Thanks again to our NSW Youth Department for a great evening.

~ Kiara-Shaye & Laurence-Aiden Hake