New Children’s Building at Elim Heights

New Children’s Building at Elim Heights















Elim Heights Youth Camp is a magnificent rural property situated on the Putty Road near Mellong, NSW, about 45 minutes north-west of Windsor. At this venue we hold many of our conferences, youth camps, seminars, quarterly combined Sabbath meetings, etc. Brother Neville and Sr Elizabeth Brittain and Keith Brittain are the current caretakers; we thank them for the endless amount of work they do on a day to day basis.
Sister Elaine Weymark has always had a soft spot for EHYC and has always had the best interests of the youth and children at heart. She is also a very active member of the EHYC Committee. When the Schofields centre was being built, Sr Weymark asked for a room where she could run on a voluntary basis, a small health food store Elim Health Store, for the sole purpose that all the proceeds from the sales go towards EHYC.

During most large gatherings at EHYC it was necessary to hire a marquee in order to cater for the children’s programs. The weather would often be very cold or very hot and rain would cause many problems, so the need to have a building where the children could be catered for was unmistakably evident. Earlier this year a plan was put in action to start on a children’s building between the dining hall and the main hall. Every weekend a number of volunteers have worked hard in order to have these facilities ready for the Family Congress in December 2009.

Although this building is to cater for the needs of the children, it will not only be used for that purpose, during other times it will be used for workers seminars, missionary schools, and many other events. A big thank you to each one who worked so hard at Elim Heights in order to have this wonderful building ready for use by the end of the year, so that those who
attend the family congress will benefit greatly.